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Congress Clears TSA Clearance Bill for Truckers

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Legislation designed to facilitate commercial drivers’ applications for security credentials was recently cleared by Congress for President Joe Biden’s desk.
The House on Dec. 18 easily approved the Senate-passed Transportation Security Screening Modernization Act, which had gained bipartisan backing.
“For far too long, the truck drivers who keep our country running have been subjected to an outdated, inefficient credentialing system that does not respect their time and money. That begins to change today. By taking the final step needed to eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles, Congress will provide essential supply chain workers with overdue relief from redundant background checks and fees,” American Trucking Associations President Chris Spear said soon after final congressional action on the measure.
“The Transportation Security Screening Modernization Act,” Spear explained, “is a bipartisan victory for common sense. We commend members of Congress, especially Sen. Roger Wicker and Rep. Garret Graves, who stood up for truckers, making it easier and less costly for hardworking Americans to obtain the credentials they need to do their jobs.”
By taking the final step needed to eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles, Congress will provide essential supply chain workers with overdue relief from redundant background checks and fees.
Chris Spear, president of American Trucking Associations
Wicker (R-Miss.) helped lead the bill’s passage in the upper chamber in November. The measure would standardize the security application process for the freight workforce. Its aim is to facilitate access to multiple credentials.
“We need to do everything possible to power American commerce,” Wicker said earlier this year. He is the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee. “My bill is one step toward that goal. It would help essential workers save time and money, adding more truckers to the workforce and keeping supply chains moving.” Other co-lead sponsors include Sens. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Angus King (I-Maine) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.).
Congress is finally putting an end to redundant background checks and duplicative fees! — American Trucking (@TRUCKINGdotORG) December 18, 2024

Senior House Democrats helped shape the measure’s bipartisan structure. “We are one step closer to less redundancy for American workers,” said Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.), the top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee. “Many transportation workers in my district have spent a significant amount of time and money to keep their credentials up to date. It’s urgent we sign this legislation into law so that our transportation workers can have a more streamlined application and renewal process. We need more common-sense bills like this to make it through Congress.”
“As the Transportation Security Screening Modernization Act moves one step closer to becoming law, we are taking an important stride in reducing unnecessary burdens for our nation’s transportation workers,” added Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-Calif.), a co-sponsor. “This legislation will eliminate redundant fees and background checks, saving time and money for hardworking men and women on the Central Coast [of California] who are essential to keeping our economy moving.”
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According to the background the sponsors provided, “This bill simply modernizes the consumer-facing applicant process to reduce the burden on American transportation workers who must maintain more than one [Transportation Security Administration] credential, such as the Transportation Worker Identification Credentials and Hazardous Materials Endorsements.” Also, provisions tucked in the bill would maintain high security standards. Six months after its enactment, TSA would be required to provide an update to Congress.
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ATA is among the stakeholders strongly endorsing the bill. “The Transportation Security Screening Modernization Act streamlines the TSA credentialing processes for railroaders and other essential workers, saving them time and money while still maintaining the highest security standards. Thank you to Sen. Wicker and Rep. Garret Graves for this legislation that eliminates redundancies to help railroaders focus on doing what they do best — moving the goods that move America,” said Ian Jefferies, president and CEO of the Association of American Railroads, in a statement the sponsors provided.
Greg Regan, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, added: “This important legislative effort will reduce the cost and time that many transportation workers spend to maintain TSA security credentials as a requirement of their front line jobs. We commend Reps. Smith and Graves for their continued commitment to our national security and transportation workforce.”
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