Cirillo: Development Of Hours Rules Continues

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration has given the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration no signals as to what it expects in an hours-of-service regulation, but the agency is continuing its efforts to develop a final rule.

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Julie A. Cirillo, speaking Jan. 23 at a media roundtable, said she plans to make a recommendation to President Bush some time in April about the best path to take on hours of service. Cirillo, who replaced Clyde J. Hart Jr. as acting head of the agency when President Bush was inaugurated, said she would either recommend that the agency collect more information, finalize all or part of the rule or issue a supplemental rule.

Hart, who took leave of his position as head of the Maritime Administration to run FMCSA most of last year, was a presidential appointee who automatically resigned with the advent of the new administration.

Cirillo covered several issues in her session with the media at the Department of Transportation building, most prominent of which was a discussion of her agency’s proposal for changing driver hours of service.

For the full story, see the Jan. 29 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.