Virginia Gov. Backs Expanding 70-Mph Speed-Limit Zones

Virginia’s newly-elected governor, Bob McDonnell (R), is calling for expanding the 70-mph top speed limit for both cars and trucks on stretches of several interstate highways in rural regions.

“We should raise the speed limit in rural parts of the state to 70 mph on major interstates,” McDonnell said in a recent address to the state legislature.

“In 2006 you voted to raise the speed limit to 70 mph on portions of Interstate 85,” McDonnell told legislators. “Let’s do the same on stretches of (Interstates) 95, 64, 77 and 81 in our more sparsely populated regions.”

Thirty-two states already have 70 mph speed limits, while 13 have 75-mph speed limits, McDonnell said.

By Michele Fuetsch
Staff Reporter