Study Finds Reflective Tape Saves Lives
The study also estimates that once the industry puts reflective tape on all heavy trailers, the number of injuries will drop by between 3,100 and 5,000 annually.
NHTSA conducted the study to evaluate the effectiveness of a 1992 rule requiring all trailers built after Dec. 1, 1993 to be equipped with reflective tape.
In 1999, the Federal Highway Administration expanded the rule by requiring truckers to apply reflective tape to trailers built before December 1993 by June 1, 2001.
State police departments in Florida and Pennsylvania collected data for the NHTSA study between 1997 and 1999. Together, the two law enforcement agencies amassed information on 10,959 crash cases involving heavy trailers.
“Better visibility means fewer crashes, and fewer crashes translate into injuries prevented and lives saved,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta.
(Click here for the full press release.)